By Jana Eckert, ISIS
On 19 February 2021, the first of two online workshops on game development took place in Germany. The workshop was conducted by the German project partner ISIS using the video conferencing software Zoom.
The aim of the workshop was to collect and evaluate ideas for possible BIG game content related to the game character “pregnant woman”.

The six participants were mothers of one to three children, who contributed their experiences as pregnant women and their ideas to the development of the BIG game. The participants shared details about difficulties and challenges of pregnant women, discussed different support measures and possibilities how these could be integrated into an online game.
For the 5 places that will be part of the game, a total of 12 challenging scenarios were designed and 50 suggestions on how to support the pregnant woman were collected and assessed.

These diverse and creative results now form the basis for the development of the game’s scenes, which will be evaluated in a second round of workshops in the countries participating in the project.