By Carina Dantas, SHINE 2Europe
Carina Dantas, from SHINE 2Europe presented BIG to over 200 people at the Interactions Symposium in Portugal, discussing the challenges of ageing in the digital world.
The digital revolution is happening. If, on the one hand, it is essential to understand and keep up with the pace of technological evolution, on the other hand it is essential that we do not lose the deontological, moral and ethical discussion of the place that these technologies should have in our lives, in order to always preserve, as much as possible, our self-determination and intimacy.

In the 11th session of the InterActions Symposium, organised by Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, a panel of invited experts that included SHINE 2Europe discussed the challenges of ageing in the digital age, presenting innovative projects with an impact in our lives. BIG was showcased as one of these projects.