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The picture shows a small girl painting on the pavement

Useful inputs to develop the BIG scenarios

Mimo Wieku was assigned to elaborate scenarios for the BIG game in 5 locations involving a father with a small child. In march 2021 a workshop took place. The workshop’s goal was to discuss the challenges particularly fathers are facing when taking care of small children. During discussions five scenes for the BIG game were elaborated.

Information stand age-friendly projects

BIG presented at an information event in Hanau, Germany

BIG was presented at an information event in Hanau, where interested citizens had the chance to get an overview of learning methods as well as the social purpose of ISIS current age-friendly projects.


BIG game: full speed ahead

The BIG game project started almost a year ago and is right on track to develop the game. The storyboard is ready and a designer to draw the characters has been assigned. We are looking forward to sharing the first results with you soon!

2nd round of workshops

BIG aims to promote social inclusion through a virtual game

SHINE 2Europe brought together architects, designers, a hospital administrator and several civil servants from different services, to validate the scenes of a virtual game with a main focus on social inclusion.

Teenagers workshop

SHINE held workshops with teenagers

In SHINE 2Europe, we just held two workshops with teenagers to better understand their needs, in the scope of the BIG Game – Building Inclusive Environments for All Generations (Erasmus+ project).